Regional meeting on Enhancing the role of Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Associations in Vaccine Manufacturing in Africa
The Medicines Transparency Alliance (MeTA) Uganda in collaboration with Afya na Haki held a regional meeting on vaccine manufacturing in Africa. The meeting took place at Lake Victoria Hotel in Entebbe, Uganda from 12th -13th September 2023.
The “Africentric Advocacy and Research Approaches to Advancing Regional Vaccine Manufacturing and Access in Africa (ARMA-Programme)” is a civil society-led initiative implemented by a consortium of organizations led by Afya na Haki. ARMA-Programme aims to support policy advocacy on regional manufacturing of vaccines in Africa through well-developed research and coordinated regional advocacy to inform policy formulation on local vaccine manufacturing and access in Africa.
Meeting Objective
To strengthen the role of pharmaceutical manufacturers’ associations in providing a coordinated private sector voice for vaccine manufacturing in Africa.
Policymakers from WHO, Africa CDC, AUDA-NEPAD, Government departments including Ministries of Health, Trade, Regional Affairs, Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Associations, Civil Society Organisations.