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African Union Prioritizes Addressing Barriers to Litigating Women and Girls’ Access to Justice

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia – August 13, 2024

In a significant move to promote and protect the rights of women and girls across Africa, the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR) has adopted a resolution to conduct a comprehensive joint analytical study on the challenges faced in litigating women’s and girls’ rights at the African Union’s human rights organs.

The resolution, ACHPR/Res.594 (LXXX) 2024, was passed during the 80th Ordinary Session of the ACHPR, held from July 24 to August 2, 2024. The study will assess the obstacles that have contributed to the insufficient litigation of cases related to the rights of women at the ACHPR and the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights, as well as the challenges in litigating girls’ rights at the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACERWC).

“This resolution is a crucial step in addressing the systemic barriers that have prevented women and girls from fully accessing justice and asserting their rights through the AU’s human rights mechanisms,” said the Chairperson of the ACHPR. “By undertaking this joint analytical study, we aim to gain a deeper understanding of the issues and develop concrete strategies to enhance access to justice for this vulnerable group.”- He added.

The resolution recognises the importance of litigation in advancing the promotion and protection of women’s and girls’ rights in Africa, as it can address gender discrimination and hold governments accountable for upholding these rights. It also acknowledges the limited number of cases brought before the AU’s human rights organs, which have nonetheless significantly contributed to the discourse and practical realisation of women’s and children’s rights.

The ACHPR has tasked the Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Women in Africa, the Commission’s Working Group on Communications, and representatives from the African Court and the ACERWC’s Special Rapporteurs on Child Marriage, Harmful Practices, and Violence against Children to develop the joint analytical study.

“We call on all stakeholders, including civil society organizations, legal practitioners, and regional and international partners, to collaborate with the three organs in this important endeavour,” the Chairperson added. “Together, we can identify the barriers and work towards ensuring that women and girls in Africa have effective access to justice and the full realization of their rights.”

The joint analytical study is expected to be completed by the end of 2025, with the findings and recommendations being used to inform policy and programmatic interventions to enhance access to justice for women and girls across the African continent.


African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights. (2024). Resolution for a joint analytical study on challenges of litigating the rights of women and girls at the AU Human Rights Organs – ACHPR/Res.594 (LXXX) 2024. https://achpr.au.int/en/adopted-resolutions/achprres594-lxxx-2024-litigating-rights-women-girls-au-human-rights-organs

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