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Side Event on Strategic Litigation for Advancing Adolescents Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (AYSRHR) in East Africa

20 June, 2024 at 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Objectives of the Side Event

The general objective of the side event is to advance adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive health and rights (ASRHR) in the East African Community (EAC) by leveraging strategic litigation and legal reform to dismantle systemic barriers and promote culturally relevant, Africentric solutions. The specific objectives of the side event are to:

1. Unpack the key findings from the baseline study on litigation in the EAC, highlighting opportunities where strategic litigation can dismantle systemic barriers to ASRHR and advance reproductive justice.

2. Integrate diverse perspectives, including legal, research, and youth voices, to inform a holistic approach to AYSRHR litigation strategies.

3. Showcase 2-3 successful cases of strategic litigation in the EAC, that have advanced reproductive justice, analyzing the strategies employed and their impacts.

4. Facilitate a multi-stakeholder dialogue to identify roles, contributions, and pathways for leveraging strategic litigation to promote AYSRHR in the EAC region.

Expected Outcomes

1. A summary report capturing the baseline study findings, priority areas for litigation, and recommended strategies from the panel discussions.

2. A youth advisory group, comprising engaged youth representatives, to ensure continued youth inputs and perspectives on AYSRHR litigation.

3. An initial multi-stakeholder roadmap outlining the potential roles, responsibilities, and collaborative actions required to operationalize strategic litigation for AYSRHR across the EAC.

4. A case study compilation documenting successful litigation examples discussed during the event, including analysis of strategies employed, impacts, and lessons learned for replication.

Register to attend via: https://forms.office.com/r/WEHSGr1TuV

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20 June, 2024
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Event Category: