
Plot 6105 Valley Rd, Canaan Sites, Gayaza Nakwero


+256 414 660 733

Twitter space: The Africa Health Agenda: Is Africa ready for a future pandemic

Theme: “Is Africa ready for the next pandemic?” Background Africa, a continent of 54 countries with about 1.2 billion people, produces only 1% of the vaccines it administers. The remaining 99% are imported. Most come from international procurement mechanisms, such as one organised through the United Nations children’s charity UNICEF. Until recently, there were only […]

Partners’ Training on Reproductive Justice Litigation in Africa

THEME: “Reframing SRHR Litigation from Reproductive Choice to Reproductive Justice” Background Afya na Haki (Ahaki) is implementing a programme titled “Litigating Reproductive Justice in Africa (LIRA)” which aims at establishing, strengthening and sustaining a regional network advancing reproductive justice litigation to ensure access to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) in Africa. This programme […]

Exploratory Think Tank on Data Governance during Public Health Emergencies in Uganda

The exploratory think tank aimed to invite and engage a range of experts and stakeholders working in the space of digital health in Uganda (including tech industries, civil society, and academia) for knowledge exchange and partnership building in considering the challenges and experiences of digital data governance observed during COVID-19 in Uganda.