
Plot 6105 Valley Rd, Canaan Sites, Gayaza Nakwero


+256 414 660 733



The regionalism sub-strategy is anchored under pillar number two (2) of Ahaki’s Strategic Plan (SP) which is focused on “African Institutions” and their respective Human Rights Mechanisms at the regional and sub-regional levels. This work is realized through pooling resources, ideas, and coordinating solutions to create more effective planning and implementation of strategies for regional institutions to advance health, Human Rights and Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) within Africa. While the main focus of this sub-strategy is on “African Institutions” it also contributes to the other three pillars of the institution (Positive African Narratives, African NGOs and African Individuals) through synergies with Evidence Generation, Partnerships and Communications and Advocacy Capacity Enhancement departments respectively.


Our goal is to promote regional engagements amongst African institutions to advance health, Human Rights and SRHR in the region.

This is realized through three specific objectives:

  1. To advocate for and undertake strategic action as a means of harnessing and amplification regional voices on health, Human Rights and SRHR;
  2. To strengthen cooperation and efforts of African Institutions to protect and promote health, Human Rights and SRHR in the region; and
  3. To build and strengthen the capacity (skills & knowledge) of Civil Society Organization (CSO) actors in engaging with and undertaking advocacy on health, Human Rights and SRHR at the various African Institutions.

Strategic Interventions

We execute our mandate through two main streams of work:

  • Tracking, monitoring, and coordinating processes by African institutions in Health, Human Rights and SRHR. This is primarily realized through the three strategic interventions; acquisition of the observer status, shadow reporting and regional litigations.
  • Coordinating regional convenings on health, Human Rights and SRHR through various fora, conferences and platforms. This stream of work is executed through organizing side events at regional meetings and conferences focused on Health, Human Rights and SRHR.

All the above work is informed by Ahaki’s themes of work on;

  1. Historical, Social and Political Determinants of SRHR;
  2. Health Technologies and Human Rights (HEALTH-TECH);
  3. Governance of Complex Health Emergencies (GC-HEALTH) and;
  4. Health Economics and Human Rights (HEH).

Target Audience

  • African institutions such as; the African Union (AU), East African Community (EAC), Southern African Development Community (SADC), The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), the Central African Economic and Monetary Community (CEMAC), Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD).
  • Human Rights Mechanisms such as; The African Commission on Human and People’s Rights (ACHPR), The African Court of Justice and Human Rights (ACJHR), The East African Court of Justice (EACJ). All these are engaged through our four strategic interventions highlighted above.


Partnerships & Commmunications

Our model of work thrives on creating, nurturing and sustaining strategic
partnerships and communications with African organisations.


Advocacy Capacity Enhancement

Our foothold is in enhancing advocacy capacities of African individuals in the arenas of health, human rights and SRHR in Africa using the Africentrism approach.

Evidence Generation

Work on health and human rights and sexual and reproductive health and rights in the region is principally informed and framed by western, Eurocentric and colonial discourse as the dominant research paradigm.